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1.0: Human activities- form two


This topic explain about different activities conducted in community, on this topic explained three human activities which are primary activities, secondary activities and tertiary activities. Also there are explanation on importance of human activities. As form two students should able acquire these objectives. 

1.1: Concept of human activities

Concepts from this subtopic
a.       (a)Meaning of human activities
b.       (b)Types of human activities
The concept of human activities
 Human activities are functions, tasks or works that human beings perform to earn a living. For example, agriculture and trade.

Types of human activities

(i) Primary activities: are done by people when they interact directly with the natural environment to obtain their essential needs. For example, agriculture, forestry, mining and fishing.

(ii) Secondary activities: They involve processing products obtained from primary activities. For example, manufacturing of cloth from cotton, production of sugar from sugarcane and steel casting from iron ore.

(ii) Tertiary activities: it is type of activities belong to the service sector. These activities involve the provision of specialised services required for primary and secondary activities. Such activities include transport and communication, trading, administration, banking and insurance.

Importance of human activities Human 

(i) People are employed in different sectors.
(ii) Payment of tax to the government.
(iii) It improves people’s standards of living.
(iv) It helps in production of food.
(v) It helps in development of infrastructure.
(vi) it facilitates development of manufacturing industries.


1. Visit any city or region observe on different activities conducted on that area.

2. Identify importance of those activities to surrounded community.

3. How those activities affect the community.

4. Differentiate different human activities from different regions or areas. 

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