2.0:Agriculture-form two topic
Agriculture is a second topic in form two class for Tanzania education, as ujuziblog provides to you this article to simplify learning process of students. On this topic analyzes topics and subtopic to be taught, also there are specific objectives to be achieved in each subtopic. These specific objectives are all indicated by syllabus that are used by NECTA for setting Nationa examinations for form two and form four.
2.1: Small scale Agriculture
Describe characteristics of
small-scale agriculture at subsistence level.
Explain the effect of rapid
population growth on small scale agriculture
Describe advantages and disadvantages
of small-scale agriculture
Explain ways of improving small
scale agriculture
The concept of agriculture
Agriculture is a science which deals with crop cultivation and livestock keeping.
Agriculture is also influenced by availability of capital, technology, transport and communication and markets.
Types of agriculture
(i) small scale agriculture
(ii) Large scale agriculture
Small scale agriculture
Small scale agriculture is the growing of crops in small piece of land.
Shifting cultivation – This is type of agriculture where by farmers are moving to another piece of land because of low production of crops and waiting for land to regain the fertility.
Crop rotation- refers to the growing different crops on the same land at different time.
Bush fallowing – is a type of farming system where by a farmer cultivate for two or more years and leave the piece of land to regain the fertility while they have permanent settlement.
Characteristics of small-scale agriculture at subsistence level
(i) Harvest are used for family
(ii) It is practiced in small piece of
(iii) Simple tools are used. For example,
(iv) Intercropping is common. It means
planting of different crops on the same farm
(v) Labours are family members
(vi) The production is low.
(vii) Farmers conflict is common
(viii)They invest low capital
Effect of rapid population growth on small scale agriculture.
Reduction in size of the farm.
It leads to infertile soil. This is
caused by over exploitation.
Changes from subsistence farming to
commercial farming to meet the demand of people.
Cheap labour are available. Due to
the presence of high population
Shortage of foods. Small scale
agriculture do not able to feed huge number of people in a certain area.
Advantages of small-scale agriculture
It is cheap to operate.
It provides biomass
Farmers get fresh food
There is little or no use of
Mixed farming is practiced.
It gives income to the farmer
Disadvantages of small-scale agriculture
It depends on weather condition
There is low production of crops
It is associated with loss of
It is difficult to use machine
It is affected by pests and
Ways of improving small scale agriculture
(i) Provision of education
(ii)Provision of loans
(iii)To encourage production of cash crops
(iv)To form various cooperative
(v) To ensure market availability
(vi) To control population growth
To ensure the use of high science
and technology.
Sample of
questions from this subtopic
1. Define
the term agriculture
2. Name two
types of agriculture
3. Explain
any four characteristics of small-scale crop cultivation.
4. List any
three advantages and disadvantages of small-scale crop cultivation.
5. Mention
the effect of rapid population growth on small scale crop cultivation
6. List
down ways of improving small scale agriculture.
2.2 large scale agriculture
Concepts from this subtopic
a. To
name types of large-scale agriculture in the world
b. List
the major crops grown in each type of large-scale agriculture
c. Describe
characteristics of large-scale agriculture
d. Describe
the requirements for growth, farm preparation, planting, care, harvesting,
processing, storage and transport
Types of
large-scale agriculture in the world
Large scale agriculture is a farming system that
covers a large area of land for producing one type of crops for commercial
following are types of large-scale agriculture in the world
a. Plantation
b. Extensive
mechanized grains cultivation
This is cultivation of crops on large tracts of land.
The farms are called estates or plantation
The major crops grown in on plantation includes
coffee, sisal, cotton, tea and sugar cane
mechanized grains cultivation (Extensive food cultivation)
This is cultivation of grain crops in large tracts of
land. For example, beans, maize and wheat.
The major
crops grown in each type of large-scale agriculture
(i) Coffee
Coffee has three types which are Arabica, Robusta.
and Liberica
Coffee is important crops for export. In Tanzania
coffee is grown in Kagera, Kilimanjaro, Arusha, Mbeya, Katavi, Iringa, Tanga,
Morogoro, Kigoma, Njombe and Ruvuma regions.
In other countries are Zambia, Kenya, Democratic
Republic of Congo and Ethiopia
Condition for growth
It requires rainfall about 1800mm
that is well distributed throughout the year.
Sunny weather for 6 to 10 months is
essential for the ripening of barriers and for harvesting
It requires altitudes about 900 to
2100 m above sea level. In Tanzania coffee grow from 1200 to 1800 m above sea
It grows well in mildy acid with PH
5.3 to 6.0
The soil should be rich in minerals
nutrients and soil structure and texture should allow air circulation.
It grows well in moderate
temperature about 14⁰C to 26⁰C
Direct sunlight is harmful for
coffee plants. Therefore, these are planted under shade of taller trees like
preparation, planting and care of coffee
-Coffe farm
needs preparation for at least six months
-To remove
all star grass and couch grass
-holes for
coffee plants are dug at least three months in advance.
- Should
measure at least 0.6×0.6 m and 0.6m deep.
-The row
are normally 2.7 m apart.
- Spraying
of coffee plants is done in cases of leaf rusting and coffee berry disease.
- The use
of fertilizer such as nitrogen, phosphates, potassium and magnesium in area of
infertile soil.
processing, storage and transportation.
Harvesting of coffee is done by hand.
- To
harvest coffee takes 3 to 4 Years
- Only the
red ripe berries are picked.
are dried in the sun then are sorted, weighed and transported to the processing
- Coffe
must be stored in cool, dark and dry places to ensure freshness.
Uses of
(i) It used
as beverage at home and hotel.
(ii) It
prevent type 2 diabetes
(iii) It
increases mental alertness
(iv) It
used to treat headache, low blood pressure and obesity
(v) Coffee
pulp is used as fertilizer on farm.
(ii) Cotton
Cotton is flowering plant which is growing for making
cotton fabric and threads.
it is grown in tropical and sub-tropical regions
includes America and Africa.
Major producing countries are China, USA, India,
Pakistani, Brazil, Cameroon, Mali and Tanzania.
In Tanzania cotton is grown in Mwanza, Tabora, Simiyu,
Mara, Shinyanga and Geita.
It is second largest export crop after coffee and
fourth largest produced cash crops in Africa.
Condition necessary for growing of cotton
It grows in warm temperature of
about 25⁰C.
It requires moderate rainfall of
about 500mm to 1000mm.
It requires well drained fertile
Farm preparation and, planting and care of cotton
Farmers are prepared before rainy
season and planting of cotton seeds take place during rainy season
Cotton flowering occurs after two
to three months after planting.
There is need for regular spraying
of cotton plants with pesticides. This helps to avoid attack of pests.
Harvesting, processing, storage and transportation
Cotton is ready to be harvested
between five and seven months after planting.
Harvesting in Tanzania is done by
hands. Other large-scale use machine like combine harvester.
After picking dirty or spoilt
cotton is removed
Then cotton is packed into sacks
and transported to ginneries for removing seeds from lint.
The lint is transported is
transported to industry in bales.
Uses of cotton
a) Cotton
fibres are used for making clothes
b) Seeds
are used for making oil used for cooking
c) It
used for making mattress and pillows
d) It
used for making soap
(iii) Oil palm
Oil palm is
plant growing in tropical specifically for producing oil.
In Tanzania
palm oil is grown in Kigoma and Mbeya.
countries growing in the world are Malaysia, Nigeria, Indonesia and Democratic
republic of Congo.
Condition necessary for growing of oil palm
It grows well high temperature with
average of 21⁰C monthly.
Presence of heavy rainfall about
1500mm to 2040mm
Farm preparation and, planting and care of oil palm
Palm oil seeds are sown in
nurseries which are later transplanted to a farm when they are 12 to 14 months
Palm oil plants begin fruit after 5
yeas and maximum production after 8 to 10 years
Harvesting, processing, storage and transportation of
oil palm
The fruits turn red when they are
ripe and ready for harvesting.
Each fruits consist of fleshy
pericarp surrounding a nut
Fruits are boiled at high
Then inside of pericarp there is
kernel which is source of oil that is compressed.
The extracted oil is packed in
container for domestic use
Uses of palm oil
It used as oil for cooking
It used for making soap and candles
Processed kernel can be used as
manure and fodder
(iv) Tea
This is
plant whose leaves are used for making beverage. In Tanzania tea is grown in
Mbeya, Iringa, Njombe, Kagera, Kilimanjaro and Tanga regions.
for growing tea
a) It
grows well in temperature between 15°C to 29°C
b) It
need distributed rainfall about 1400mm to 1750mm
c) The
soil should be slight acid with little calcium.
Farm preparation, planting and caring of tea
raw space for tea plantation is 100 to 110 cm with planting space of 65 to
75cm. This space make to plant 1500 plants in an acre
of tea depends from other plants which helps from not destroyed by wind
Harvesting, processing, storage and transportation
takes two years for tea plants to be harvested
plants needs experience for harvesting quality tea
plucked tea leaves undergo fermentation under regulated regulated moisture to
ensure quality tea product.
leaves are rolled to enhance the break-up of leaf cells and fibres under temperature of 105°C. This helps to
reduce moisture.
and dried tea is sorted in different size and ready for consumption.
Uses of tea
Tea is used as beverage and also a person with sore
throat and hoarse voice can get better if take few cup of strong tea
(iv) Sisal
This is tropical plants whose leaves produce strong
threads which are used for various purpose such as rope and carpet making.
In Tanzania
sisal is cultivated in Tanga, Kilimanjaro, Arusha, Morogoro, Lindi and Mtwara
Condition necessary for growing sisal
a) It
grows in temperature between 25°C and 30°C
b) It
needs slight rainfall between 650mm and 1500mm
c) It
grow well in drained loamy soil
Farm preparation, planting and caring of sisal
a) Ploughing
the land depth of 30cm
b) In
nursery the bulbils should be planted in bed at 10Cm X 10 Cm apart.
c) They
are shifted to a second bed and planted at 30cm X 30cm apart.
d) After
12 to 18 months the young sisal are ready to be planted in the field
e) This
crops does not need much care like other crops
Harvesting, processing and transportation,
Harvesting beginnl when thorn tips
change from dark colour to light brown.
The processing leaves should take
place 48 hours after being harvested
Processed leaves are dried by machine
or sunlight energy
Graded fibres are packed into bales
and then transported
Uses of sisal
a) It
used for making clothes
b) It
used for making carpet, ropes and mattresses
c) It
used for making biogas
Cereal crops
This are crops which produce grain that can be eaten
or used to make bread or floor. The major cereals in the world are maize, rice,
wheat and sorghum.
Major producing regions in Tanzania are Rukwa, Njombe,
Ruvuma, Katavi, Songwe, Iringa and Morogoro.
Other countries are China, Brazil, South Africa and
Condition for growing maize
a) Maize
grows in summer temperature between 18°C and 27°C
b) Annual
precipitation is ranging 635mm to 1145mm.
c) It
grows in wide range of soil type. However the best deep soil of the sub tropics
with abundant of nitrogen
d) Dry
sunny is important for plants to grow. It enables cobs to ripen and the seed to
Farm preparation, planting and caring of maize
a) Maize
requires deep tillage which is done by hand hoe and using tractor in large
scale agriculture.
b) Planting
is done by burying seeds directly in the soil in depth at least 10cm with
spacing of 75cm between rows and 30cm between plants
c) Germination
takes place under warm and moist condition about temperature 20°C and 30°C.
d) Seedlings
emerge afer 6 to 10 days
e) Maize
needs care of wedding, thinning and pest and disease management
f) After
three weeks of planting is better to weed in the farm
Harvesting, processing and transportation of maize
a) Maize
can be harvested after 3 to 6 months
b) It
can harvested by hand cut or combine harvester.
c) Harvesting
system involves removing of husk from the plant and grains from cob.
d) Removing
of unwanted and low products grain then prepared in bags ready for
transportation to homestead or market
Uses of maize
a) Maize
is staple food in Africa and Asia
b) It
used to feed domestic animals such as pigs and chicken
c) It
used to make industrial products such as vegetable oil and alcohol.
d) It
used to generate heat for cooking especially the use of cobs.
e) Maize
stalks are ised to make manure
Characteristics of large scale agriculture
a) It
takes place in large area. The area can be more than 10 acres.
b) It
uses high level of science and technology. Large scale agriculture employs the
use tractors and combine harvester to ensure sufficiency production.
c) It
employee few skills people. This is caused by machine to replace manual work
that supposed to be done by human being
d) It
is invested with intensive capital fo support the production.
e) There
are use of chemicals fertilizer to ensure high production
f) It
is source of raw materials for different manufacturing industry.
Contribution of crop production to the economy of
Tanzania and Tanzania
a) Growth
of industry. Cash crops provides material for industries for
example cotton used in factories like Mbeyatex in Tanzania
b) It
source of income. Income produced by farmers from selling crops help
them to develop their living and improve their life standard.
c) It
is source of foreign exchange. Cash crops encourages interaction
of business between countries which enable the country to earn from other
d) It
creates employment opportunities. Many people are employed in
agro-related industries and others are self-employed.
e) It
encourages to development of transport and communication.
f) It
improves international relationship. Through
business of crops enables a country to wide other businesses with other
Challenges(problems) facing large scale agriculture in
Tanzania and USA
Expensive input.
Especially Tanzania, Large scale needs intensive capital to buy machine and
farm inputs for farm preparation and payment of labours. That make farmers to
take loans and fail to repay
It is affected by pest and
diseases. There is outbreak of crops diseases that affect plant
Climatic problem. Most
of crops are being affected by lack of enough rainfall and strong winds which
destroy crops
Poor management.
Involves embezzlement of funds for example Tanzania
Market flooding. Due
to large amount of product from large scale farms the market sometimes flooded
by product. There is high supply than demands.
Deterioration of soil fertility.
Presence of high rainfall washing down soil nutrients that cause the soil to lose
its fertility and also monoculture affect the soil of a place.
Land encroachment. Lage
scale agriculture is cultivated in large area that cause to invade farmers
which may cause conflict among theme.
Ways of improving large scale agriculture in Tanzania
To improve storage facilities.
Tanzania needs to improve storage facilities when the market is flooded and the
price is low, the farmers can store their products without being spoilage when
they are waiting for price
To improve management system.
Managers should be trained to work hard and correctly for betterment of
To control pest and disease.
To improve soil fertility. It is better to use manure and fertilizer to
improve the soil fertility and applying intercropping
To prevent land encroachment.
This can be protected by proper fencing. And also provisions of employment to
those people who are living nearby large scale
2.3: livestock keeping
Concepts from this subtopic
a. Describes
how pastoralism, sedentary and commercial livestock keeping are practiced
b. Explain
the benefits and constraints of livestock keeping practices
c. Compare
livestock keeping between Australia and Tanzania
d. Describe
livestock keeping as practiced in different communities in Tanzania
keeping refers to rearing of animals and bird.
includes cattle, goats, sheep and birds
There are three major forms of livestock keeping
a. Pastoralism
b. Sedentary
livestock keeping
c. Commercial
livestock keeping
(a) Pastoralism
is practice of rearing pasture depend animals. For example, cattle, goats and
Nomadic pastoralism refers to
keeping large number of animals and moving from place to another searching for
pastures and water. For example, Kwavi, Maasai and Kurya.
Semi- nomadic pastoralism refers to
keeping animals in permanent area but moves from one place to another during
dry season and return to their home when pasture grows.
Transhumance is seasonal
movement of herdsmen between low land and high land in searching pastures and
Sedentary livestock keeping refers to the keeping of
animals in a permanent area.
- A farmer plants grasses and feed animal in a same
area. In other case animals are left to feed in the farm.
grazing refers to the keeping of animals without moving from
anywhere for feeding.
commercial livestock keeping refers to the rearing
animals for selling livestock products. For example, meet, milk and wool.
These activities can be done in small scale or large
In small scale the farmer rears fewer animal in small
piece of land.
While in large scale there are two methods those are
common in keeping animals which are Ranching and dairy farming
Ranching is
rearing of livestock in extensive piece of land.
farming is rearing of livestock for milk production
Benefits of
livestock keeping
It is source of food. Such as milk
and meat
It provides raw materials. For
example, skin and wool for making clothes
It encourages growth of industries.
Especially those industries processing animal products
It promotes growth of trade
It increases government revenue
It creates employment opportunity
facing livestock keeping
Insufficient capital for buying
input. For example, pesticides
Low use of science and technology
Climatic change. Prence of drought
such as Dodoma and singida
Price fluctuation. (decrease of
price from market)
Poor storage facilities. For example,
lack of refrigerator
Lack of proper education
keeping as practiced by different communities in Tanzania
a) Pastoralism.
It practiced in area where have a lot of pastures. Communities practice these
activities are Maasai, Sukuma, kwavi and Nyamwezi.
b) Sedentary
livestock keeping. It practiced in area with high
population and land scarcity. For example,
Chagga in Mountain Kilimanjaro
c) Commercial
livestock keeping. It is practiced in extensive piece of land and carried out
both fertile highland and dry areas
d) Subsistence
livestock keeping refers to the keeping of animals for consumption by farmer
and his family.
The economic importance of livestock keeping in Tanzania
Source of food. Such as meat and
Industrial development. Livestock
provides materials in processing industries like those producing milk
Employment opportunity.
Development of transport and
Use of marginal land. Those areas
are not usable for other activities are being used for grazing
Source of government revenue
It improves living standard of the
study of livestock keeping in Tanzania and Australia
Both countries there are common
types of livestock kept. Such as goat and sheep.
Ranching in Tanzania and Australia
are carried out.
Both countries practice subsistence
and commercial level.
Dairy farming is practiced to both
Both countries sell animals product.
Sedentary livestock is practiced to
both countries.
Australia uses high level of
science and technology than Tanzania.
Livestock product produced in
Australia is based in export while Tanzania bases on meeting local demands
Ranching is more practiced in
Australia while pastoralism and sedentary livestock keeping are more practiced
in Tanzania.
In Tanzania, the more animals kept
cattle while in Australia the main animals kept are sheep.
Sample of
1. Mention
four crops grown in plantations
2. Explain
what nomadic pastoralism means
3. Describe
primary purpose for keeping cattle
4. Outline
main challenges facing livestock keeping in Tanzania
5. Suggest
ways of solving challenges facing livestock keeping in Tanzania
6. Elaborate
challenges facing livestock keeping in Australia
7. Differentiate
between traditional and commercial livestock keeping.