Download Kibaha form four mock examinations with marking scheme in pdf
Kibaha form four mock examinations with marking scheme
On this article ujuziblog brings to you form four mock examinations from Kibaha district with marking scheme. These examinations are well prepared for students that brings positive change to them.
From this mock examination has the following subjects which ar; Geography, English, Civics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics and Civics.
These examination trigger students to their weakness and strength of their studying. From these examination students can review his or her understanding in term of theorical and practical concepts learned from class.
The ability of students to solve this examination strength learners to the NECTA examination performance, because this examination has NECTA format that make a student to be familiar with NECTA questions and format.
Also form four mock kibaha examination 2024 predict the future of performance to our students either for pre national examination or NECTA.
You can download this examination for free from link analyzed below
Competence base examinations
Competence base examinations are type of examination prepared for assessing students' ability that can be applied to his or her environment. These examinations ensure that a student after leaving the school can he or she manage different activities that surround him or her from the environment. For example, a student should have ability of cooking, sweeping or making something such as agriculture activities.
Things to consider when setting competence base examination
Table of specification. A good examination should focus on a table of specification, such as number of questions should be considered as indicated from syllabus. Therefore, to prepare table of specification you should use syllabus.
Necta format. Is a system of setting examination that adhere all arrangements and quality of examination. A good examination should base on NECTA format. Every subject has its format.
Books and notes. Preparing good competence examination texts books and notes should be used to illustrate various concepts taught in class relation to syllabus. These materials help to know where are necessary to evaluate your students according to how you taught them in class.
Sample of questions. Also you can use other questions to form your own question from different past paper. Also sample of questions gives you the wide to observe weakness of questions constructed and updating your questions.
Note: kibaha district is located in Pwani region which is bordered by Dar es salaam, morogoro and Tanga regions. These examinations prepared in kibaha district can be used to all regions in Tanzania because of the same curriculum. Also these past papers awake students what other fellows do in their school.
Also gives challenges to teachers to determine different area they didn't cover im class.