Form four NECTA results 2024/2025
Form four NECTA results 2024/2025 |Matokeo ya kidato cha nne 2024|2025
How to search school name on your browser?
- Click the results link first to see all schools in Tanzania
- If your using smartphone with google chrome to your upper part of right side there are three dots, click three dots after opening link above.
- Click find in pages then write your school name.
- For other browser users if there are no three dots upper part of your device check three bars on left side down of your device then click find to write school name
- Lastly for computer users, after clicking the link above of form four NECTA results 2024/2025 just press CTRL+ F for find and then write your school name.
Why these examinations conducted every here?
1. To prepare students who will continue for further studies. There are students who pass form four examinations after release of NECTA results. For those students who selected for advanced level will continue for their studies but for those who selected for college will study different occupation.
2. To filter best students who will work effectively after their studies. As students who did best to their examinations always they foster best to their occupation to compare with people who passed their examinations by cheating always they Re going to be worst to the community because they have no master of different concept on that field.
3. To awake students for examination. The presence of examinations encourage students to study for performing better. If there were no examination only few students will be encouraged for studying to achieve thier goals.
How to view form four results 2024|2025
To view NECTA form four results you can visit NECTA website .
Form four NECTA results 2024/2025
Tanzania grading system to secondary level
Grading system is proper method used by NECTA to arrange students results for knowing who did the best and who did poor to the examinations.
Tanzania grading system for secondary level uses division system for analysis of results for each students. Division are calculated by students performance of their subjects such as grading in subjects wise are A- 75, B- 65, C- 45, D- 30 and F-29.
Division is counted by taking seven best performed subjects by students.
Division system is categorized in different class such as Division one, two, three, four and zero. A student who score division one to four has passed the exams. While a students who needs to continue with A level should at least score division three with balance of advance secondary school subjects.
Also subjects and schools performance are graded by GPA ( grade position average). This grading system arrange the best school to lower. Also arrange each school with subjects GPA.
New education curriculum in Tanzania
Tanzania has modified education system to ensure they meet national and individual demands. The education system changed from content bases curriculum to competence based curriculum. Students should learn education that is more practical to their environment.
Fron that there are new changes to teaching and learning materials. You can download new Tanzania syllabus and tie books from tie books and new syllabus. Also you can visit Tanzania institute of education site.
This article helped you to search students results. As ujuziblog ensure you get valid information at right time. Stay with us for more information and leaning materials.