Form two Pwani mock examination with marking scheme 2024
Download Pwani region mock examination with marking scheme
General overview of Pwani region mock examination with marking scheme
From this article gives you chance to download mock Pwani examination conducted this year of 2024. From this mock Pwani examination comprises different examination such as Geography, History, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, English, Civics, French, Chinese, Arabic, Fine art etc.
Why is it important for you to download Pwani region mock examination with marking scheme
This examination gives you a chance to evaluate students from questions constructed. Every examination has different questions constructed; by solving this mock examination a student may encounter difficult questions that help him or herself to evaluate his or her progress in different questions.
Also, it helps to increase confidence of students after doing and performing this examination. After solving the examination, a students could understand different topic that he or she understood well and find challenging topics.It gives forecast for the NECTA examination. Mock examination gives direction for student to the NECTA examination results, that can help a student to pull up socks in his or her study to do wonder to the NECTA examination.
As a teacher, this mock examination will help you to know various topic
you didn't cover well.
Also gives you the insight what you achieved during learning process. Especially
understanding to students.
This examination helps a teacher to change teaching methodology if do
not achieve during learning process.
Also to assess quality of learning materials to students.
How to download this examination
- Choose any subject below that you want to download.
- Click that subject you want to download.
- You will be directed Gmail account.
- The examination will appear to your Gmail account.
- Click download button to save it to your phone or computer storage.
Choose any examination below to download
What is marking scheme?
Marking scheme is answers of examination prepared in a document used as a reference for marking examination. Marking scheme should be prepared and well-organized answer to help examination marker to marks easily such as good answer with questions number and marks distribution.
What are criteria of a good marking scheme?
- Correct answer. A good marking scheme should be well prepared with correct answers from different books.
- All questions should be written. A good marking scheme should have all questions from examination. For example, if an examination has ten questions also marking scheme should have ten questions.
- Good organization of answer. Answer in a marking scheme should start from question number one to the last question.
- Better distribution of marks. Each question should be indicated with marks distribution with total of one hundred percentage to all questions of examination.
- Marking guidelines. A good marking scheme should explain the marking. such as easy questions should have explanation in marks distribution.
Therefore, a good examination should be well structured from NECTA format, good marking scheme for the best marking experience and good supervision during examination time. When examination not well supervised called arise cheating which disqualify the quality of examination.