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New syllabus for Tanzania education

 Download Tanzania new syllabus for secondary education in pdf

Overview of Tanzania education system

Tanzania education system aims to provide education that ensure all people acquire knowledge for preserving rights of individuals and him or herself, also Tanzania education system encourages learners to acquire knowledge that can enhance individuals and national development. All these are reasons for different amendments to reach individuals and national goals.

Download secondary education syllabus in pdf

Major aims of Tanzania educations

  • To respect our culture and customs also to preserve people's right.
  • To advance in science and technology aspects for betterment of our nation.
  • To advance in habit of doing different activities in the community and create passion of discovering different new ideas.
  • To protect our environment.
  • To encourage national and international relationships.

Why new syllabus should be used in Tanzania?

The new syllabus is best way for preparation of students who could work with particular environment. 
Students learn particular topics and subjects that are relevant to our community. Those subjects and field will foster individuals and national development for having best experts in different sectors

Subjects to be taught in general education stream 

There are almost all subjects to be taught in general education but they are classified in different areas.

Let's see Compulsory subjects for general education stream 

Mathematics, English, historia ya Tanzania na maadili, businesses studies and kiswahili.
If a student wants to study a different field he or she will choose other subjects.

  • For example in science field: physics, chemistry and biology+ compulsory subjects.
  • Agriculture field: agriculture, chemistry and biology + compulsory subjects.
  • Social science: History and one elective subjects + compulsory subjects. 
  • Art: Fine art or theatre art + literature in English/ fasihi ya kiswahili + compulsory subjects.
  • Business: booking and one elective subject + compulsory subjects.
  • ICT: computer science+ physics+ compulsory subjects.
  • Food and human nutrition: food and human nutrition+ biology+ chemistry and compulsory subjects.
  • Language: fasihi ya kiswahili/literature in English/ Arabic/ french/ Chinese, history+ compulsory subjects.
  • Sport: Sport studies+ biology and compulsory subjects.
  • Textile: Textile and garment construction, fine art and six subjects.
  • Music: music art, fasihi ya kiswahili/ literature in English+ compulsory subjects.

Compulsory subjects for vocational education stream 

Mathematics, business education, English language and historia ya Tanzania na maadili.
From this kind of stream students are eligible to study those subjects as compulsory and choose any Field of their interest such as
  • Electrical engineering 
  • Mechanical engineering 
  • Civil engineering 
  • Automative engineering 
  • Extraction and processing minerals 
  • Transport and logistics 
  • Agriculture and food processing 
  • Hospitality and tourism 
  • Commercial and business support services 
  • Printing
  • Clothing and textile 
  • Cosmetology 
  • Electronics and computer 
  • Sport 
  • Creative arts
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