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Tanzania institute of educations book (tie books) 2025- Tie for secondary school books


Highlight of revised education curriculum

Ujuzi blog writes for you this article for providing links and books used by Tanzania institute of education to facilitate learning activities. Tanzania education system is revised from 2005 curriculum. In 2025 implementation of new education curriculum has started to be applied to all schools in Tanzania starting with form one students. This new curriculum started to be implemented by few schools using vocational education stream. This means that education system in Tanzania is categorized into two streams which are general education stream and vocational education stream.

Tanzania institute of education books is developed from primary, secondary and advanced schools. On this article Ordinary level books are uploaded here. 







































Download Tanzania new syllabus 

You can download other old tie books on old tie books or visit Tanzania institute of education site 

How Tanzania education is revised especially in classes

  • learning time is minimized from seven years to six years in primary level. Pupils study only six classes before joining secondary level. This implementation helps learners to complete their studies in young age.
  • Also in secondary level education system stills as normal with four classes. Therefore will be total of 10 years from primary level to secondary level.
  • while tertially level remain as it is, depend with students selection in different field. some of field such as bachelor of education is trained for three years while bachelor of laws is trained for four years.
  • By obeserving from that let's say a child start standard one with seven years, it means plus 10 years of primary and ordinary level a students will have sixteen years.

Structure of tie books relation with syllabus

These new tie books are written in chapters. This chapters are analyzed in syllabus as specific competence, as a teacher you should teach students by looking the main competence in syllabus and specific competence in Tie books. 

Each specific competence in syllabus has learning activity, as a teacher you should break learning activity into specific learning activity to compere with your tie books and lesson notes that you can use for facilitating in class.

On this new curriculum facilitate more to give a chance students to think and evaluate themselves through following 4c's and 5e's in learning activity. If you crosscheck through syllabus you will realize that a teacher is facilitator not who give each and everything. Also check on each chapter of books indicate students to think in different concepts.

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