Introduction to Geography- Form one revised curriculum
This article is based on revised curriculum of education or general education is written for you to understand that the earth is home of living things and non living things, we have to study and understand our environment and different geographical phenomena that occurs in all days of our lives. Also you should be able to understand importance of geography to our daily life and how to solve different problems occurring to our environment.
Meaning of geography
Geography comes from two greek word "geo" means earth and "graphien" means draw, describe or write. The two words are join to form one word "geographia" wich means describe the earth.
Therefore geography is a science that describe the earth.
Or Geography is scientific study of physical characteristics of the earth and their influence on human life and activities.
1. Ask students to search different information of physical features surround their environment and relate to concept of geography.( Resources are video, environment, books and animations.)
Branches of geography
i. Physical geography
ii. Human geography
Physical geography is branch of geography that involves the study of natural features of the earth.
- This branch focuses on structure of the earth, atmospheric process and formation and distribution of landforms such as mountain, valley and plateaus.
- Also ot studies the distribution of plants and animals.
Human geography is the branch of geography that deal with study of interaction between human being and environment. Such as Agriculture activities, industries and population distribution.
-These two major branches need geography skills nd techniques known as practical geography.
Practical geography is geographical technique which support scientific approaches to collecting, recording, storing, analyzing and interpreting data.
-Practical geography enhance skills to understand physical and human geography.
Importance of studying geography
i. It increases awareness of our countries. such as boundaries and resources.
ii. It helps to understand our culture.
iii. It helps to get knowledge on utilization of resources.
iv. It helps o get skills for environment conservation.
v. It helps to get professionals. Examples are teachers and cartographer.
vi. It helps to know about population issues. For example why town are more populated than rural area.
1. Provide activity to students with knowledge they get from class that utilize the discipline of geography. Such as filling atmospheric condition, understand how geography teachers benefit from the subject. etc.
The relationship between geography and other discipline
Geography is a vast field that connects with various disciplines, influencing science, economics, politics, and technology. Geography interacts with subjects like physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, political science, economics, agriculture, geology, computer science, statistics, engineering, and sociology.
1. Geography and Physics
Geography and physics are linked through climatology, geomorphology, and oceanography, studying natural forces like gravity, heat transfer, and atmospheric dynamics.
2. Geography and Mathematics
Geographers use mathematical models, coordinates, and statistical analysis for mapping, measuring distances, and understanding spatial patterns.
3. Geography and Chemistry
Environmental geography examines the chemical composition of soil, air, and water, addressing issues like pollution, acid rain, and chemical weathering.
4. Geography and Biology
Biogeography studies ecosystems, species distribution, and the impact of climate and human activities on living organisms.
5. Geography and Astronomy
Earth’s rotation, time zones, seasons, and planetary movements are studied in relation to geography and astronomy.
6. Geography and Political Science
Political geography analyzes borders, geopolitics, resource distribution, and how geography shapes political decisions.
7. Geography and Economics
Economic geography studies trade routes, resource allocation, industrial locations, and the impact of geography on economies.
8. Geography and Agriculture
Agricultural geography examines soil quality, climate, irrigation, and land use patterns affecting crop production.
9. Geography and Geology
Physical geography and geology both focus on earth structures, plate tectonics, earthquakes, and rock formations.
10. Geography and Computer Science
Geography uses Geographic Information Systems (GIS), remote sensing, and digital mapping technologies to analyze spatial data.
11. Geography and Statistics
Statistical methods help geographers in demographic studies, weather forecasting, and environmental analysis.
12. Geography and Engineering
Civil and environmental engineers use geography in urban planning, infrastructure development, and resource management.
13. Geography and Sociology
Human geography explores population distribution, cultural landscapes, urbanization, and the social impact of geography.